Your Path to Success


Data Deep Dive Bundle


Hours of Content: 5.5

Prerequisites: Working with Pig requires some basic knowledge of the SQL query language, a brief understanding of the Hadoop eco-system and MapReduce

Taught by a team which includes 2 Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with large-scale data processing jobs.

Pig is aptly named, it is omnivorous, will consume any data that you throw at it and bring home the bacon!

Let's parse that

omnivorousPig works with unstructured data. It has many operations which are very SQL-like but Pig can perform these operations on data sets which have no fixed schema. Pig is great at wrestling data into a form which is clean and can be stored in a data warehouse for reporting and analysis.

bring home the baconPig allows you to transform data in a way that makes is structured, predictable and useful, ready for consumption.

What's Covered:

Pig Basics: Scalar and Complex data types (Bags, Maps, Tuples), basic transformations such as Filter, Foreach, Load, Dump, Store, Distinct, Limit, Order by and other built-in functions.

Advanced Data Transformations and Optimizations: The mind-bending Nested Foreach, Joins and their optimizations using "parallel", "merge", "replicated" and other keywords, Co-groups and Semi-joins, debugging using Explain and Illustrate commands

Real-world example: Clean up server logs using Pig


Using discussion forums

Please use the discussion forums on this course to engage with other students and to help each other out. Unfortunately, much as we would like to, it is not possible for us at Loonycorn to respond to individual questions from students:-(

We're super small and self-funded with only 2 people developing technical video content. Our mission is to make high-quality courses available at super low prices.

The only way to keep our prices this low is to *NOT offer additional technical support over email or in-person*. The truth is, direct support is hugely expensive and just does not scale.

We understand that this is not ideal and that a lot of students might benefit from this additional support. Hiring resources for additional support would make our offering much more expensive, thus defeating our original purpose.

It is a hard trade-off.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

What are the requirements?

  • A basic understanding of SQL and working with data
  • A basic understanding of the Hadoop eco-system and MapReduce tasks

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Work with unstructured data to extract information, transform it and store it in a usable form
  • Write intermediate level Pig scripts to munge data
  • Optimize Pig operations which work on large data sets

What is the target audience?

  • Yep! Analysts who want to wrangle large, unstructured data into shape
  • Yep! Engineers who want to parse and extract useful information from large datasets


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